My Best Wedding Photography of 2015

Here it is then. The traditional ‘Best Wedding Photography of 2015’ post. Another year gone. Blimey. They didn’t go this fast when I was a kid! How was yours? It was a bit of a roller-coaster one for me. I moved back from London to my home town of Derby. I started a new band with some friends (if you’re a drummer reading this, give me a shout!). I photographed my first wedding in France! (If you’re getting married abroad and want to take a photographer along, click here to have a look at some highlights from the day) I spent a rather lovely six weeks visiting my sister over near Seattle. And, of course, I photographed a heap of great weddings up and down the country.

2015 was also a year where I met up with old photographer friends and also made a few new ones. It’s good to get out from behind the internet and actually talk to people face to face. I love that there are so many experienced and talented photographers that I’ve met who have been happy to share their wisdom and advice. We may all be wedding photographers, but I’ve been lucky enough to meet people who are keen to improve the industry and happy to help out their fellow photographers. Here’s to more friends, more meet-ups, more photo talks, more sharing of ideas and stories and more getting out from behind the keyboard in 2016!

Finally, I want to give a big ‘Thank you!’ to all the couples that asked me to photograph their wedding and also to all the photographers and friends who have helped, supported and generally been good eggs over the last 12 months! You’re all lovely and I wish you a rather excellent 2016!

Ok, time for the photos. Here are a few of my favourite wedding photographs from 2015 showing the places, people and moments I’ve been privileged to photograph throughout the last 12 months.

Have a great 2016!

little girl admiring wedding cakeBest Wedding Confetti ShotBlack and white wedding photographybride and groom celebratebridal prep monochromegroom avoiding aftershavegroom joking with best manshocked wedding guestbride applying make up in mirrorbridesmaids all looking out windowbabies at a weddingbride putting on make upbride and groom on balconywedding guest carrying little boysBride putting on wedding shoesbride and groom during speechatmospheric outdoors wedding photoPlaying Cricket at a Weddinggroom waiting patientlyNew baby at a weddinggroomsmen drink a toastlittle girl putting on wedding shoesstylish bride smiling in natural lightwedding guests taking photos of sheepbeautiful bride putting in earringswedding guests sat around a firefather of the bride shocked facebride and bridesmaids laughinglaughing bride as groom signs registerbride and groom drive off in wedding carbride and groom give speechbride laughs with guestselderly wedding guests laughingwedding guest laughing with phone on dancefloorusher polishes shoes in kitchenbride make up from abovebride reading a wedding card with her mumlittle girl looking at bridebride and sister crying speechesdad swings daughters aroundbride and groom walking evening sunwedding guests fishing french riverlaughing wedding guestsbride and groom kissFunny Wedding Photofrench garden party weddinggroom lifting bride's veilsunny bride and groom photolittle girl looking under bride's dressauntie plays with her newphewlaughter during speechesbride looks lovingly at her groombride plays ball with page boylittle girl plays with bubblesunhappy little girl at weddinglittle girl wedding morningguest crying with laughterlaughing bride speechesbride with grandmaproud mother during speechesguests fancy dress dance floorfirst dance fairy lightsSnoozing Wedding GuestGiant Love Sign first dance


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