Hidden Hive Wedding

hidden hive wedding photography with humour and love

A Fun-filled Hidden Hive Wedding in Beautiful Derbyshire

When Helen and Christie got in touch telling me all about their outdoorsy, festivally-vibe, relaxed plans, I was chuffed when they said they’d like me to be their Hidden Hive wedding photographer. Nestled in the countryside of South Derbyshire, this tipi venue was perfect for their big day. With wildflowers poking out of craft beer cans, a quirky daytime marching band (along with quirky daytime drinking and dancing!), a thoroughly unconventional feel, and packed with their personalities, this was the perfect venue. It boasts a huge tipi, a ton of open space to roam around outside, and a lovely almost-outdoors ceremony barn if you want an outdoors wedding, but are also realistic about getting married in England! This was an amazing day to be a part of, and here’s a selection of their photos that tell their wedding day story.